Increasing your organic traffic on Facebook

Social networking, over time has proven to be a great way to attract your audience. Social media features millions of unique users entering the platforms, by various devices, during a significant time of their daily routine.

Facebook, is one social network that stands out as one of the best, providing marketers with a massive amount of potential visitors for them to capture. To give you an idea, there are already over 1.4 trillion active profiles in the world. With all this potential in the market, Facebook became an essential tool in digital marketing strategies.

Despite the potential of social networks, especially Facebook,  less than half of companies are concerned with developing a consistent plan and strategies for action in this network. Many brands have a simplistic vision and are satisfied with just having an active profile on Facebook and a post frequency that will be enough to attract their audience.

Contrary to what many people think, generating organic content is not an easy task and much less free. You will need to produce qualified content that demands time and investment, appropriate to your goals. Efforts, however, can be expanded with the budget that the company (small, medium or large) has available and get a higher return in the medium, which is also long term, than paid traffic.

To be effective you will need to investigate and consider a number of variables:

  • Who are the target audience?
  • What are your interests?
  • What is your behavior on the Internet?

among others.

This is the information that will help you create a compelling content, good enough to attract your potential customers to your brand, generating more organic traffic and consequently, the ability to generate more leads.


Increasing organic traffic on Facebook with 10 tips

Despite the new challenges there are many ways to cope with Facebook change, while building and increasing your audience. Here are 10 tips on how to do this:

Publish quality content

You must have heard this tip several times. As obvious as it may seem, the amount of content without relevance that is still produced and published on the net makes it important to hammer on this consistently for all marketers to remember: you must produce relevant content.

Relevant content continues to be the best way to gain value on Facebook, even with changes in the platform algorithm. Pages that publish qualified information that adds value to people’s lives, teaches, entertains or takes users to a place of reflection are perfect for increasing organic traffic.

Publish in the appropriate measure

Your post frequency should not be very high as you can end up angering your audience with information and polluting the users feed. This type of behavior tends to irritate people in social networks and in certain situations ends up generating haters.

At the right time: publish outside of peak hours.

The logic is very simple: outside of the peak hours you will have less competition. The flow of publications will be lower and your content will have more chances to stand out. It is worth mentioning that these are times in which your target audience is accustomed to accessing your publications. It may be interesting to do tests and set up a publication schedule based on your audience’s browsing routine.

Make Facebook Insights your best friend

Facebook Insights is the best tool for monitoring and evaluating your efforts, verifying what is generating positive results, which publications most excites your audience. The tool is also a valuable source of data about your audience.

Segment your content using “Facebook organic post targeting”

On Facebook, it is possible to define specific information and improve the presentation of your content for a specific and segmented audience. You can decide who sees your posts according to the people (representation of your ideal clients) defined by your business. In profile configurations you must enable the “targeting” option and define the segmentation parameters. The base is made up of demographic data (sex, age, educational level, location, language …) among other options.

Links: Create a way to access other relevant content from your post

Include links to your website or to pages with content that complements the post. When users are nurtured with information that helps them solve their underlying problems, they frequently interact with the brand. This way your posts can gain more space in the feed of these leads and generate conversations. In addition to this, the Facebook audience loves the links. Content with links to videos are user favorites. Betting on contents with great visual appeal. Above all, bet on videos.

As mentioned, photos and videos are formats that have platform advantage. Facebook gives priority to these formats, because they are content with high levels of affinity and participation. The videos have the best results on Facebook. It doesn’t just end there, the social network is investing more and more in technologies to improve the visualization of videos in the platform. Proof of this is “autoplay”, a tool that seeks to attract the attention of people and lets them see 3 seconds of the video as soon as the user is watching the timeline in their news feed.

Share teaching and intuitive material

Infographics and pictograms are formats that people like best. These are among the best types of content that earns more “likes” and “shares” on various social networks, including Facebook. They are self-explanatory content, which can be used to disseminate valuable information, with a rather attractive design.

Ask questions in your posts

In 2014, a list of top 10 publications was released for that calendar year by Facebook and 20% were content that questioned users. Asking questions to your audience is a tactic that generates great participation of the users and demonstrates the value and interest for the opinion of the public. Potential clients likes to be heard and talk about their expectations and give suggestions.

Have a focus on building communities.

Many companies create profiles, but they miss the opportunity to interact more deeply with their audience. Take time by creating activities (contests, surveys, etc.), giving feedback to comments and really listening to your followers will make them have a better perception of the brand and greater participation. By investing time in gaining trust and making more people loyal to your page, you can boost your brand’s credibility and compete favorably in the market.